

       无锡耐玖机电设备有限公司主要产品:多轴钻孔器(也称多轴器/多轴头/多轴钻/多孔钻/群钻),龙门式多轴钻床、多轴攻丝机(多轴攻牙机)及专用多轴钻孔机,GLODEN GOOSE(金鹅)钻夹头,丝锥夹头,CT筒夹,ER筒夹.

     本公司具备强大的设计开发能力,可按客户要求设计各种多轴钻孔器,各种多轴钻孔攻牙专用机床.公司秉承精品 理念,坚持高起点,高标准,以品质为引航,以品牌为追求,以一切为客户的企业理念,采用世界知名品牌的零部件。建立严格的品质监控体系.公司质量方针:精美耐用,客户满意.本公司产品,内销国内各地,已形成一个完善的营销网络.一切为用户着想,一切让用户满意是耐玖忠诚的 承诺!

       我们主要产品有:龙门式多轴钻床、多轴钻孔机(油压自动进刀)、多轴攻丝机、多轴器(也称多轴钻孔器/多轴头/多轴钻/群钻)、动力头、超精密油压齿式分割台、金鹅钻夹头 、金鹅丝锥夹头、ER筒夹、CT筒夹.

     本公司具备强大的设计开发能力,可按客户要求设计各种多轴钻孔器,各种多轴钻孔攻牙专用机床.公司秉承精品 理念,坚持高起点,高标准,以品质为引航,以品牌为追求,以一切为客户的企业理念,采用世界知名品牌的零部件。建立严格的品质监控体系.公司质量方针:精美耐用,客户满意.本公司产品,内销国内各地,已形成一个完善的营销网络.一切为用户着想,一切让用户满意是耐玖忠诚的 承诺!

       我们主要产品有:龙门式多轴钻床、多轴钻孔机(油压自动进刀)、多轴攻丝机、多轴器(也称多轴钻孔器/多轴头/多轴钻/群钻)、动力头、超精密油压齿式分割台、金鹅钻夹头 、金鹅丝锥夹头、ER筒夹、CT筒夹.

    Wuxi Naijiu mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co. , Ltd. . Main products: multi-spindle drill (also known as multi-spindle / multi-spindle head / multi-spindle drill / multi-hole drill / Group drill) , Gantry multi-spindle drilling machine, multi-spindle tapping machine and special multi-spindle drilling machine, GLODEN GOOSE golden GOOSE drill chuck, tAP holder, CT cartridge holder, ER cartridge holder.

     The company has strong design and development capabilities, according to customer requirements to design a variety of multi-axis drilling machine. The company receives the fine article, the idea, sticks to the high starting point, the high standard, takes the quality as the pilot, takes the famous brand as the pursue, takes everything as the customer's enterprise idea, uses the world famous brand's spare parts. Establish a strict quality control system. COMPANY QUALITY POLICY: exquisite durable, customer satisfaction. The company's products, domestic sales throughout the country, has formed a sound marketing network. All for the sake of the user, all to the satisfaction of the user is Naijiu Loyalty, commitment! Our main products are: Gantry multi-spindle drilling machine, multi-spindle drilling machine (hydraulic automatic feed) , multi-spindle tapping machine, multi-spindle machine (also known as multi-spindle drill / multi-spindle head / multi-spindle drill / Group drill) , power head, ultra-precision oil pressure tooth-type cutting table, golden goose drill chuck, golden goose tap chuck, Er Barrel Chuck, CT Chuck. The company has strong design and development capabilities, according to customer requirements to design a variety of multi-axis drilling machine. The company receives the fine article, the idea, sticks to the high starting point, the high standard, takes the quality as the pilot, takes the famous brand as the pursue, takes everything as the customer's enterprise idea, uses the world famous brand's spare parts. Establish a strict quality control system. COMPANY QUALITY POLICY: exquisite durable, customer satisfaction. The company's products, domestic sales throughout the country, has formed a sound marketing network. All for the sake of the user, all to the satisfaction of the user is Naijiu Loyalty, commitment! Our main products are: Gantry multi-spindle drilling machine, multi-spindle drilling machine (hydraulic automatic feed) , multi-spindle tapping machine, multi-spindle machine (also known as multi-spindle drill / multi-spindle head / multi-spindle drill / Group drill) , power head, ultra-precision oil pressure tooth-type cutting table, golden goose drill chuck, Golden Goose Tap Chuck, Er Barrel Chuck, CT Chuck.


苏公网安备 32020502000530号

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